Sunday, January 07, 2007

Les Miserables

We are sick and miserable. We are both home with head colds and sinus headaches. We have been home sick for a few days now. I think it must have been all the traveling around and coming in contact with quite a few people.
We talked to a lady about childbirth classes yesterday and we were all stoked about it untill she asked us to not call her by her name Martha but rather use her "new name" Malu... we were fine untill she said..."it means PEACE, I am trying to bring that into our classes man"... well we are not the biggest hippy fans so now we dont want to go to her classes. She even wants to come by our house... Yeah rite, she isnt getting in this house... not untill she showers and cuts off her dreads and changes her name back. oh yea and she wants to have potlucks every week... what are weirdo... no offense to all you who read this and are hippies.
It was good to be in the mainland for a few weeks. We had a good time seeing everyone in San Diego and Calgary. You know who you are...

Melia has had the hickups lately and she has them rite now in fact. She had them three days in a row now... Accordin to the book we have she is almost five pounds now...
Well we are going to try to get to church for a half hour or so.

Have a good sunday


Jeni said...

HIckups are fun... Natalie used to get them all the time and still does! That lady sounds wierd too I think, I think that you shouldn't go - I mean we didn't go to classes and I swear we did fine, And I have to admit I was SUPER nerveous about everything.. and it was and is fine!! So i fyou need tips, I am not a hippy and my name is still Jeni and I am happy to help without coming by for potlucks!

Mike Karyn & Nash said...

We went to classes and they were alright. We didn't have a hippy though. But to be honest, I don't know how much I actually remembered after the classes and if they really would have helped me. Mike liked them a lot...he was the one taking notes. I had a c-section and never went into labor so I'm not one to give a lot of advice about the delivery except don't wear makeup because I hate my pictures now. What was I thinking????

saltysista said...

Well we are going to go to 2 week-end intensive classes but not until the 27th of Jan and then the 3rd of is cutting it close but they sound pretty good. Yeah I am more wanting to go so Dan can hear what to do b/c I know he will be the one to remember and tell me!! I think I will take the no make-up advice. Thanks, guys, for not changing your names to Love or Granola!

Miller Time said...

well I never went to a class and I did fine with all 3 of my kids. If you want to do a natural birth they might be helpful with the breathing tips but if you are not going natural all you have to know how to do it push when the nurse tells you to.

Anonymous said...

Dan or whoever wrote that, that cracks me up! I agree with everyone else about not needing them but my first time I looked into it too. keep up the humor!