Tuesday, February 27, 2007

More Melia!

So I thought I would finally post some more pics of our little Melia. Some are from the birthing center and some from the house. I just want to say that Dan was an awesome coach to me during labor and it was great to have Karyn and my mom there for support...thanks so much!! Dan and I had a celebration of life dinner provided by the hospital Sat night. It was so good and they gave us a yummy cake too! It has been great having Melia home and even though we are tired she is just a perfect little angel and I couldn't imagine life without her.


Lynne said...

What a beautiful family!! I can tell she is already so loved!! It looks like some of the swelling in her eyes is going down. Robyn, I want to come again and see her. Let's talk. Love you,

Jeni said...

CUTIE!!! I LOVE HER - she is totally robyn!!

Mike Karyn & Nash said...

I MISS HER ALREADY!! She's so wonderfully perfect and I want to kiss her little nose again. Hope you guys got a little more sleep last night. Love all three of you