Sunday, April 22, 2007


Its sunday evening and the sun is finally out after a week of heavy rainfall. I am just looking out over our back yard which was all chopped down last week. I barbequed Chicken and Steak and made some nice salads. We filled up and enjoyed James Bonds new movie Casino Royal. It is an awesome movie!
Well I take back that comment about the rain, it just dumped down again and drenched the island. I guess it will never stop till we leave this place.
It is true that we are moving to Texas, some people have asked us if we are moving or visiting... We are excited to move and start over again in the lonestar state. Mom thought Texas was called the longhorn state, its not its lonestar state...
Anyways its getting chilly here and I am off to bed.
Aloha everyone


Lynne said...

Did they cut even more down in the back yard? One good thing about Hawaii is that your skin will never feel as soft as it does now!! And just think of all the landscaping ideas that you can bring with you to Texas.!!

saltysista said...

Yes they came last week and chopped down a ton more. I know...I think I will bring some lava rock to build up our yard like our neighbors beautiful lava field front yard!

Lynne said...

Or even the toilet planters!!

saltysista said...

Totally you will see that in my front yard in SA!! YES!