Saturday, March 24, 2007


Jeni said...

Crickets are LOUD!! She is so tiny, that soother takes over!! Cute and clean!!

saltysista said...

crickets? Those are frogs and I hate them

saltysista said...

The frogs are so loud that all we can hear from her monitor is the frogs!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a sweetie pie!!! Love how her eyes follow the camera . . . thought for sure Dan would ask "Where are you, Melia?" A soft kiss from Grandma!

Heinzlmeir Haven said...

Hi Robyn...Kelly here... Rick and Chel's, and Steve and Lynne's friend...Chel told me you needed Margaret's address...I have it and will dig it out of Dennis' wallet tomorrow and forward it to you. By the way, congrats on baby Melia! She is beautiful and looks like you guys are having fun with your new "peanut"!

By the do you put those video clips on your blog...I just started one after our trip to the farm and have some little clips I'd like to post.

Mike Karyn & Nash said...

Super sweet Peanut. I miss her so much. Uncle Mike says hi too. Love you all

The RC Miller Clan said...

what a cutie! Next time take longer video!