Thursday, March 01, 2007

Put me back in the water!!

This is a pic of my little girl after a bath. The bath she didn't mind. She didn't cry at all. While I was changing her she peed on my hand which then got all over her so a bath she got! I think she is going to be a swimmer with those long flippers for feet of hers!


Anonymous said...

oh yah, I thought I would luck out today! What a sweet baby! I think she's absolutely beautiful. Funny how they change your life!

Mike Karyn & Nash said...

Oh my gosh!! Look at that angry face. she's mad as heck. Love it!!!! Give us updates of her doctor appt. Give her kisses from her Auntie Karyn, Uncle Mike and Cousin Potatos!!!!
Right now I think she looks like you Robyn I write this Nash is trying to climb into the bathtub...nice
and please tell Libby the pic of the naked spiderman had me and Mike laughing til it hurt!!!

Mike Karyn & Nash said...

after looking at the picture again it looks like Melia is so mad she's clawing herself. Stop it...she's gonna make me cry

Jeni said...

Ha they sure hate to be cold!! Love you Melia!!

saltysista said...

She actually does claw at her face when she cries hard. I hate it. It breaks my heart but sometimes she will just claw at her face while nursing. Silly Peanut!