Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Good Days

Today has been a good day with Peanut so far. She had a good night of sleeping...4.5 hours straight! I thought is was good anyway. This morning she and Daddy took a nice little nap together and then we watched her make some cute and funny faces while waking up. Melia and I just got back from a walk and it is nice and sunny here today. We are going to meet Daddy at work then go run a few errands together. She just keeps getting cuter!


Mike Karyn & Nash said...

Oh My Gosh!!! I could cry because I miss her so much. Peanut is perfect. Wish we were closer so I could take walks with you.

Anonymous said...

Ah,h,h,h,h,h . . . I agree with Karyn. Melia is more precious everytime you post a picture. Brought tears to my eyes. Okay, we need to head back over thre!! :) So glad Nana is arriving this week!!!! Yea! Kisses to "Peanut"

Jeni said...

Oh I just want to squeeze her little cheeks!! What an angel!! HA funny in the car seat!! they find their own comfy position eh??~!

Lynne said...

She does get cuter every day!! Did you get those baby pics of Dan I sent you. Any resemblance to Melia? What do you think? Oh yea, see you in 2 days!!

Miller Time said...

she looks like she has the longest legs. very cute pics.