Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sleeping thinker

Here is my little Peanut sleeping in my arms. She seems to like to sleep with her little hand resting under her chin like she is pondering some info while sleeping. It's really cute. We had a good day yesterday. She has been staying up a little longer after each nap and we get to play with her although she was up for 9 hours straight from 4 pm. until 3a.m. What is that about? She wasn't really fussy. She just didn't want to sleep. Besides that she has been a pretty good napper. She's excited to meet her Nana on Thursday!!


Mike Karyn & Nash said...

She's so cute.I can't believe how much I miss her. Nice shot of Kai in the background. How's my man Milo??? Be nice to him.

saltysista said...

Milo sure misses you I'll tell you what. You are the only one that believes in him...poor stupid fat cat! HAHA

Lynne said...

Thanks for the daily update. She changes slightly every day. I think she's remembering the birth process and pondering how much she loves you!!

Jeni said...

Ha, Natalie kinda did that too - she now holds her fingers IN her mouth! Ha that is cute! what a cutie peanut!!

Mike Karyn & Nash said...

Why don't you just ship Milo over to me...Nash needs a cat

saltysista said...

Nash does need a cat but that would cost too much to ship Milo...he is too heavy!